Profit from the Industry Expert

Trading is only about Making Money…Nothing Else
If Education is Expensive…Try Ignorance

Be very picky when selecting your trades just like you would be when shopping for a new car, smartphone, house, etc.

Do you want to know my $4000 Formula?

Meet Prakash Gaba

Prakash Gaba is SEBI registered Research Analyst & is also a Certified Financial Technician, Technical Trader & a Trading Mentor and a winner of Viewer’s Choice ’Best Technical Award’, he has appeared on all Business Channels in the Country and regularly writes for various Newspapers & Magazines and invited for Lectures & Seminars all over the country.           

Has over 20 Years of Experience in the Marke. Currently he appears on CNBC TV18 & CNBC Awaaz.

What Our Students Say..

What We Do...?

Advisory Service

Index Futures
Intraday Combo Pack
Short Term Delivery
Short Term Futures
Big Moves Delivery
One Stock a Week

Actionable Effective Training
ATM Trading Method
Any Time Money
Learn my Method
Follow the Rules
Take a Trade
Make Money

Trading Mastery Mentorship Program

Trading Mastery takes time and effort and working with the student to eliminate student specific issues that prevent them from acheiving Mastery

ATM Webinar

“Viewers Choice Best Technical Analyst Award received at the hands of PM Modi”

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